The year 2020 has been a year with a lot of transformations including new work models, changed collaboration methods, and much more. All of these changes have certainly brought a paradigm shift in employee engagement as well as experience. Needless to say, a remote workforce is no longer a distant concept, and virtual collaboration with white boarding during meetings, virtual celebrations, and community impact initiatives is the new normal.
We all know that the human resources function has always been the focus of every company. Most importantly, the human impact of the global pandemic, COVID-19 has resulted in HR becoming a more strategic function for CEOs across the globe, who are looking for innovative and whole new ways to help their employees understand and adapt to the new normal. Let’s face it, new norms about working from home has completely changed the way employees and managers interact – which, for many, is a source of potential concern about what ‘business as usual’ will look like in the future. This is particularly relevant for the Human Resources Department, which is directly involved in recruiting and managing talent.
It is that time of the year when every HR leader should look back to analyze all the changes that happened due to this pandemic and plan for new beginnings in 2021. So, in this blog, we will talk about the top three ways COVID-19 has impacted human resources. So, without any further ado, let’s dive in.
Technology Adoption
Emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Language (ML), and Robotic Process Automation (RPO) have resulted in a vast disruption in the human resources domain. They have offered a multitude of tools that specialize in different processes that in turn saved HR managers’ time and effort to a great extent.
According to stats, more than 400 companies have implemented HR software in India. Likewise, organizations have also shifted to software tools such as payroll management systems, HRMS software to solve their WFH challenges. Businesses, regardless of the size and complexity, have relied on such systems to automate and streamline their everyday operations even from remote locations. HR managers were able to complete time-consuming tasks in a matter of minutes.
All that said, the need of the hour is to find out the right set of tools that work for one’s company. Greater efficiency lies in concentrating on the value chain as well as building a digital road map with a practical implementation plan. Emphasis will continue to be on the employees’ digital experience, simplification through automation, and doing so in the most secure way.
Employee Management
No HR leader would have ever thought of managing their employees remotely; however, it happened this year. Talking about employees, they have not just experienced but also survived a global pandemic and have emerged as a far more resilient and versatile workforce. On the other hand, every HR professional carried a huge responsibility to help their employees to maintain good mental health and efficiency levels during these difficult times.
In 2020, work forces have learned a few important life lessons, possibly the hard way, through conservation, gratitude, and change management, to arrive at their transformed version. This transformation is the single most important lesson learned and outcome from this crisis. While few were able to navigate through it smoothly, some still are struggling to cope but the harsh reality is that there is no going back. In such a situation, HR managers will need to recognize their diverse workforce and instill the maturity to deal with different personas as the effectiveness lies in playing on individual strengths without reducing teamwork.
Automation of Processes
Be it admin tasks or day-to-day HR operations, everything has ultimately evolved and organizations have realized that digitization is imperative and no longer a choice.
Every Indian organization that invested in technology earlier was able to sail through the COVID crisis, while others were caught off guard. That being said employers now need to take a step back and improvise further. One of the most immediate needs is to automate, to cut off the unnecessary and repetitive processes, and make every digital operation safe and watertight. Only this way, HR managers can stay focused to come up with insights on strategic decision making, resolve business challenges, and give priority to being future ready.
That’s it, we have come to the conclusion.
There is more to it but we have picked the top three COVID-19 impacts on human resources. We hope this blog helped you to get a better understanding of the HR changes that have happened this year.
With 2020 being the year of changes, every business leader must be ready to keep evolving in 2021 as well. While the fundamentals may not change, employers and HRs should be all set for operational changes.
So, it is high time for companies to take a step ahead and invest in technologies such as HR software, HRMS software in India, and adapt to digitalization at the earliest possible.