Learning the Different Types of Silk Used for Beddings

silk bed sheets


There’s no perfect fabric when it comes to beddings because everyone has their own preference. Some may prefer cotton over the bamboo fabric. Some might want to sleep with beddings made out of silk. No matter what you use, it depends on what you’re used to feeling. But if you want to feel the maximum level of comfort, then the best choice is silk. If you haven’t tried this type of bedding before, then you’re missing out on the best sleep of your life. It can elevate the level of comfort you’re feeling, so it’s best to try silk bed sheets.

Did you know that silk beddings are not made out of only one type of silk? You should know that there are different types of silks available on the market today, and silk beddings are made out of these different types of silks too. So if you want to know which type of silk is available, read on to find out.

Charmeuse Silk

Charmeuse silk is the most common type of silk that is being used in clothing. But there are beddings made out of charmeuse silk too. They are notable for having one smooth side (satin sheen) and a rougher side (dull finish). These types of silk are lightweight, and it has a natural elasticity. As a result, charmeuse silk is used in pillowcases, sheets, and other kinds of bedding. These came from cultivated silk, which means they came from silkworms farmed for their silk.

Mulberry Silk

If you’re looking for the highest quality of silk, then you must be referring to mulberry silk. These came from silkworms that only feed on the mulberry plant, called the Bombyx worm. These are like charmeusesilk, cultivated from Bombyx worms fed a very special diet. And it’s the most sought out kind of silk for beddings due to its durability and softness. They have been bred in captivity for over 5,000 years. But they remain to be very expensive due to the many factors needed to be considered when making mulberry silk.

Tussah Silk

If you want something cheaper and inexpensive, then tussah silk is the best choice. These are also referred to as wild silk because the silkworms from which tussah silk came from are not fed a strict diet. Therefore, the types of silk that are made from these silkworms are not as durable and smooth as those bred from captivity. Most of the tussah silk comes from India instead of China.

Duppoini Silk

Duppoini silk is strong and long, but not as lustrous. Instead, these types of silk are coarse and not ideal for most sheets and beddings. The quality doesn’t work well in maintaining temperatures, though these are sometimes used as duvets. One of the reasons why it has a low quality is due to the silk made from irregular cocoons, which are far from the quality you can find in charmeuse silk.

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