Joseph Cianciotto – What Traits Do You Need to Become a Creative Director in Advertising

Become a Creative Director in Advertising


Creative directors are indispensable to media and advertising. They plan the advertising campaign and are responsible for its hassle-free management. To be a creative director in a media and advertising firm, you need to be original. You should have the ability to think-out-of-box so that your campaigns are successful. Creative directors also have to be aware of and skilled in social media. They should be adept at making brochures, websites and other materials related to the advertisement. They should be good as team management as they need to interact and manage a lot of people. When it comes to advertising and media in the USA, New York is a place you cannot ignore. This city is buzzing with activity, and if you wish to kick-start a career in media and advertising, this city is the best place for you. There are lots of career openings for both beginners and experienced professionals.

Joseph Cianciotto- How do you become a successful creative director?

Joseph Cianciotto is a skilled and experienced creative director of DDB NY and Director of Digital in the USA. He has expertise in the field of social media, television, film, CRM and branded content. He says that when you decide to become a creative director, you should learn under a skilled professional. You can start off by being an intern in an advertising and media firm. He says that once you gain experience and rise in seniority, you can apply for the post of a senior creative director. This post is one that requires a lot of dedication. You will need to work under very strict deadlines with a lot of stress. However, being a senior creative director is financially rewarding. Besides qualifications, you should be good at communication. You should have good listening skills so that you understand the needs of your client well. You should be focused and be aware of the latest trends of the market in order to create relevant marketing campaigns that do well.

What does a creative director generally do?  

Creative directors generally become marketing managers for large organizations. They also work as directors for business development and go on to become the chief marketing officers of a company if they carry the relevant credentials. If you desire to become a creative director in the media and advertising world, you must possess an MBA degree. Most organizations prefer candidates to have an MBA degree for the position. Besides the above, you may opt to become a creative director in other fields like fashion designing, graphic design, etc. if you acquire the relevant experience in these specific fields.

Joseph Cianciotto adds that in order to qualify as a creative director, you must at least be a graduate in the field of marketing or graphic design with 5 to 10 years of relevant experience in the industry. If you are looking for corporate positions, you should be an MBA at least.

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