Benefits which CBD oil can provide to your pets we bet you didn’t know

CBD oil


It seems like everywhere you look, products infused with cannabidiol, better known as CBD, are being advertised as the latest and greatest wellness product. We humans have become so benefitted by it that some of us wouldn’t mind giving this to our dogs. In this post, we will be covering the benefits of cbd oil for pets. 

CBD Oil for Pain: One of the first studies done involving CBD and dogs was performed at Cornell University’s College of Veterinary Medicine. The study was developed to see how CBD can help dogs with pain management. In the study, more than 80% of dogs with osteoarthritis experienced a decrease in their pain. A reduction in pain like this leads to a dog being more comfortable and more active. Because the dosing was high, some concern was raised about CBD’s short-term safety.

Instead of reaching for a cbd oil for pets product for your dog’s pain, it’s always recommended that your dog first be examined by their vet and that traditional pain and anti-inflammatory medications be used first, depending on your dog’s underlying condition.

CBD Oil for Seizures: Colorado State University (CSU) conducted a study working with hemp-derived CBD in dogs that have epilepsy, or seizure disorder. The goal of using CBD in dogs with seizures would be the same as with other anti-seizure medications—to decrease the frequency of seizures while having minimal side effects. In this study, 89% of dogs had fewer seizures, although all the dogs also remained on traditional anti-seizure medications such as phenobarbital or potassium bromide while taking CBD. Another study at CSU by a veterinary neurologist is continuing to evaluate CBD’s safety and efficacy in dogs with uncontrolled seizures, as well as its possible interference with other medications. Because no conclusions have been drawn, it’s not recommended that CBD be given to dogs with seizures.

CBD Oil for Anxiety: A recent study was done giving dogs a CBD chew prior to a stressful event. Of the dogs studied, 83% showed a decrease in stress or anxious behaviors. The conclusion was that further research needs to be done using different CBD products and different dosages to understand how to effectively use CBD to treat anxiety in dogs.

A study in western Australia is looking at CBD use for reactive dogs and has shown promise in helping reduce reactivity in dogs living in shelters.

While these two studies might lead to CBD use in dogs for behavioral issues, it’s currently recommended that you work with your veterinarian and a certified dog trainer or behaviorist to help resolve these issues.

Arthritis: Several studies have looked at CBD’s effectiveness against arthritic pain, all with positive results. A Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine study found dogs given CBD at a rate of 4.4 mg per pound twice daily for a month showed significant improvement in pain relief and quality of life. Lead investigator Joe Wakshlag, DVM, Ph.D., DACVN, said that some dogs were initially so decrepit that their owners considered euthanasia, but that after just days on CBD they were trotting around and even climbing stairs. A Baylor University study found similar improvement, adding that CBD worked better when delivered in a liposomal formulation. 

Itchiness: Two recent double-blind, placebo-controlled dog studies report CBD significantly reduces itchiness. An Australian study conducted by the company CannPal found their CBD product reduced itchiness, inflammation, and skin lesions by 51 percent after eight weeks of treatment. An American study conducted by the company ElleVet found their product, which combines CBD with another cannabinoid, CBDA, significantly reduced owners’ reports of itchiness.

Behavior: Anxiety, and especially noise reactivity, is a major reason dog owners seek help using CBD. But despite anecdotal reports of its effectiveness, no controlled study so far has shown it to be particularly effective. A study from the University of Western Australia may show promise for aggressive behavior. Shelter dogs with aggressive tendencies exhibited less aggression toward humans when tested after 15 days of CBD administration. In a study from the University of Kentucky, physiological measurements of anxiety in response to noise were not significantly different for CBD versus placebo, and were worse compared to trazodone (a drug commonly prescribed for anxiety). Note, however, that in this study the CBD was administered four to six hours before testing, which may have been too long a waiting period.

How to Choose CBD For Dogs?

With hundreds of CBD products on the market, and little regulation of them, it’s not easy to know which is best. Look for a product with the Quality Assurance, and one that has a third-party certificate of analysis that includes potency, lists all ingredients, and discloses the possible presence of heavy metals, mycotoxins, or pesticides. Avoid edible products formulated for human consumption, which often contain ingredients such as xylitol that are toxic to pets.

So we are saying,

It’s extremely important to talk to your dog’s veterinarian before giving your dog a CBD product and getting buy cbd oil for pets India. Your vet will talk to you about the risks and benefits of CBD for dogs and determine if it’s best for your pup. If your vet recommends CBD, they will also provide a recommended, appropriate dose range for your dog.

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