Understanding Silk: Why Silk is Quite Expensive?

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When you put your hand on a silk garment anywhere in the world especially from wholesale fabric suppliers, you are bound to hear prices that are a little higher than your ordinary textiles. Have you ever wondered why that is? We’ve all heard from wholesale fabric suppliers that silk is a pricey fabric, but we don’t really understand why it’s so valuable to wholesale fabric suppliers.Learn more about fabrics here!

What Makes Silk So Expensive?

You may be wondering why you should be aware that silk is more expensive than other textiles. First and foremost, understanding how silk is created can help you appreciate the greater quality of yield it provides. Second, the entire process of creating silk is time-consuming and labor-intensive, wholesale fabric suppliers knows this. As a result, this knowledge will assist you in making well-informed judgments regarding the cloth you will purchase.

Last but not least, it will assist you in distinguishing between genuine silk and counterfeit silk that is commonly available in the market from wholesale fabric suppliers. As a result, you will gladly pay a premium price for an original piece of fabric. While having little knowledge can be risky, having no knowledge at all can lead to making decisions that you will regret for a long time.

1. Cocoons are priced per pound of silk.

It’s worth noting that a pound of silkworm eggs contains 40,000 eggs (1,500 eggs per gram).These worms will consume 3,500 pounds (1,500 kilograms) of mulberry leaves and create 18 pounds (8 kilograms) of silk thread by spinning cocoons. One silk outfit requires between 1700 and 2000 cocoons!

‘So why shouldn’t silk be charged a premium when such a high cost is paid to produce it?’While several animal rights organizations throughout the world have expressed concern about the exploitation of silkworms for profit, the matter has never received critical acclaim since long-term efforts to breed and care for silkworm farms are ongoing all over the world.

2. Silk is one of the world’s oldest fabrics.

Silk was discovered roughly 8,500 years ago by a Chinese group of people during the ancient age, when a lot of effort was put into the world of fabric and textiles. As a result, silk is one of the oldest materials known to mankind! Silk gained rapid popularity among Chinese monarchs because to its brilliance and smoothness. Silk was utilized as a royal garment for personal use as well as a gift for other royals.

3.Silk is a type of biological substance.

Biomaterial is a term used to describe a material that does not harm the organic world but rather supports and tailors it for better adaptability.Silk is widely used in medicine, particularly during surgeries, because it does not react with the body’s enzymes and instead promotes healing without producing allergies or infections. As a result, it is a highly sought-after fabric, raising prices all around the world.

4. Silkworms are used to make this product.

This is the main reason why silk is more expensive than regular cloth. Silk is produced by an insect, most commonly a silkworm, which creates a protein called fibroin. The purest kind of silk is made from the cocoons of mulberry silkworm larvae. While silkworms are still the primary source of production, moth caterpillar silk is now being used on a huge basis.The distinction between these two varieties is not readily apparent to the untrained eye, as both are pure silk. The natural creation of this cloth automatically elevates it beyond the majority of synthetically made fabrics.

5. It takes a lot of time to be produced.

Another reason silk is such a costly fabric is that it takes a lot of time, patience, and careful handling to produce silk from insects. Because this is a natural process, no amount of chemical inducement or synthetic approaches will be able to speed up mother nature’s process.As a result, when something takes so long to make, its exclusivity naturally rises above the others. Not only does the protein manufacturing take time, but the entire process of cleaning, molting, and transforming the raw material into its final form is arduous, exhausting, and unusual. That’s why it is expensively charged by wholesale fabric suppliers.

6. Silk is second to human skin.

Silk is comprised of protein, unlike any other fabric on the planet. A minimum of sixteen percent of the human body is protein, which is primarily found in hair, skin, and nails. As a result, silk is considered as man’s second skin, as it is made from a protein derived from an insect. As a result, there are numerous advantages to wearing silk.Silk is also non-toxic and harmless to the environment. When silk is burned, it is said to have the same odor as when a human hair is burned.


If some wholesale fabric suppliers advise you to obtain a lower bargain now that you know why silk is pricey, don’t fall for it. Because of the aforementioned characteristics, there is no such thing as “cheap silk.” Pure silk will always be a high-end fabric that may be customized in a variety of styles, colors, and patterns. You must be able to tell the difference between an authentic piece of silk woven using organic methods and a synthetically produced piece of silk intended to fool you. Choose your wholesale fabric suppliers wisely!

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